nationalization|nationalizations in English

noun nationalization (Amer.)

[na·tion·al·i·za·tion || ‚næʃnələ'zeɪʃn /-laɪ-]

naturalization; formation of country; making national (also nationalisation)

Use "nationalization|nationalizations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nationalization|nationalizations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nationalization|nationalizations", or refer to the context using the word "nationalization|nationalizations" in the English Dictionary.

1. Many people agree with nationalization.

2. 6 Many people agree with nationalization.

3. The case for greater nationalization is compelling.

4. Nationalization of agriculture is on the government's agenda.

5. 16 Conservativegovernments in Britain favour private enterprise rather than nationalization.

6. The papers were full of political propaganda about nationalization.

7. Conservativegovernments in Britain favour private enterprise rather than nationalization.

8. The steel workers were relatively indifferent to the issue of nationalization.

9. Nationalization in the transport industries produced neither outstanding industrial relations nor employee commitment.

10. Nationalization is a word which is neither very felicitous nor free from ambiguity.

11. Privatization, like nationalization, imposes a stiff workload and absorbs a great deal of parliamentary time.

12. Another factor affecting global oil supply is the nationalization of oil reserves by producing nations.

13. I am not someone who will make nationalization and things like that ,' " Cautres said .

14. Demagogic governments sometimes paint foreigners as scapegoats, leading to nationalization or laws restricting foreign investment.

15. The nationalization of oil occurs as countries begin to deprivatize oil production and withhold exports.

16. So switch to buying common stock and we are headed down the road to nationalization.

17. As for employee involvement, it is certainly greater than it ever was in the years of nationalization.

18. From 1946 to 1948 he was the last deputy chairman of the Southern Railway before nationalization.

19. This political trend, combined with broader geo-political events, made nationalization an appealing choice for Canada.

20. His proposals involved nationalization of 000,000 acres of farming land for distribution among 000 black peasants.

21. An unappetizing prospect is one of creeping nationalization, in which only the public sector creates employment.

22. The nationalization of the electricity sector followed 22 years later, bringing the full energy spectrum under state control.

23. 8 An unappetizing prospect is one of creeping nationalization, in which only the public sector creates employment.

24. Yet this restatement of his views won him political support from Liberals who looked askance at this quasi-nationalization programme.

25. Major oil companies operating in Venezuela find themselves in a difficult position because of the growing nationalization of that resource.